Chinese Writing:
Good Luck Messages

Here are some of the most popular Good Luck Messages and Chinese New Year Greetings used in banners for wishing someone prosperity and an good fortune in the new year. Learn how to write them stroke by stroke and make your own lucky red banners!

Good Fortune

Good Fortune is made up of two characters Dà Jí:

Chinese character writing good fortune

The first Character "DÀ" in three easy strokes:

chinese writing good fortune 1 chinese writing good fortune 2 chinese writing good fortune 3

The second Character "JÍ" in 6 strokes:

chinese writing good fortune 4 chinese writing good fortune 5 chinese writing good fortune 6
chinese writing good fortune 7 chinese writing good fortune 8 chinese writing good fortune 9


READY FOR THE NEW BEGINNING!!! Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival. It represents the beginning of the growing cycle.

The Chinese Character for Spring "CHŪN" is made up of 9 Strokes:

chinese character Spring

The character "CHUN" for Spring stroke by stroke:

chinese writing spring 1 chinese writing spring 2 chinese writing spring 3
chinese writing spring 4 chinese writing spring 5 chinese writing spring 6
chinese writing spring 7 chinese writing spring 8 chinese writing spring 9

Prosperity - FÚ

FU which means prosperity and wealth is perhaps the most popular and prominent symbol you will see come Chinese New Year time.

Prosperity or "Fu" is one character made up of 13 strokes:

Chinese character writing good fortune

Stroke by Stroke:

chinese writing prosperity fu 1 chinese writing prosperity fu 2 chinese writing prosperity fu 3
chinese writing prosperity fu 4 chinese writing prosperity fu 5 chinese writing prosperity fu 6
chinese writing prosperity fu 7 chinese writing prosperity fu 8 chinese writing prosperity fu 9
chinese writing prosperity fu 10 chinese writing prosperity fu 11 chinese writing prosperity fu 12
chinese writing prosperity fu 13

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May the New Year turn out to be a very special one for you and your family...
filling each day with peak of health...
abundance of happiness...
bountiful prosperity...
and Zen like serenity...

Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái!

More Chinese New Year Traditions and Celebrations

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